Thursday, March 31, 2011

Off to war.

No not me personally as FDF(Finnish Defence Force) has not issued mass consription or anything.

But comicswise.

you see I am a warnerd.

I am and have been interested in the many facets of warfare in both it's terror and beauty. The fact is many of us owe more to warfare than it is PC to think.

Most painkillers, penicillin and majority of modern western medicine were in fact developed to keep the fighting forces fighting longer and in better shape than the advesaries troops (no, not a Fables reference. But if you have not read the Fables go do it. NOW!).

but it's not just advancement in thinking that war brings out. It brings out the absolute worst we are capable as species. And the absolute best.

War creates heroes. No I do not believe that there are the "Good guys" and the "Bad guys" but there are brave people on all sides as there practically never are just two sides to any conflict.

Working slowly on a comic project influenced by DMZ, Unknown soldier (Dysart Ponticelli version) and Blazing combat and naturally gazillion reference books and documentaries.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Proud dad of a zombie chimpanzee

Well actually I do have a great son, but as a scriptwriter I just saw in the artist's blog a sketch of a zombiechimpanzee. see:

Even better then I thought. Man am I lucky to have such talent to breathe life into these demented creations.

And you guys thought it is possible to survive a zombie apocalypse...yeah right

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My girlfriend calls me retard. I think she's right.

So I started this blog ages ago and then life just once more happened. The woman I share my life with has asked repeteadly why I stopped writing my blog.
I actually had no good reason what so ever.
As I have not stopped reading comics nor writing comics and according to her people do read this...the title stands correct as it is.

I have delved lately into wonderful world of superhero comics and written around 200+ pages of that subject matter.
latest of these is upcoming Koneballeriina (finnish, my native speak, for "machineballerine") that I have high hopes as art is supplied by wonderfully talented Katja Louhio.
And while here I blabber about boring writing stuff (as us egomaniacal writers do) the gorgeous art can be seen at , a blog most definately worth checking out.

Well that wasn't so hard. Even for a lazy hermit.