Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mightier than sword

actually doing background research can be harmful. Sort of anyways. See the biggest problem isn't it's arduousness, no I am not sweating my brow and spending sleepless nights due to lack of information. Ideas are very virulent. And unlike many other diseases you don't develope an immunity once you have had one. No. It gets worse. Progressively worse. I was indulging myself to land of enginegrease and zeppelins for dieselpunk and went through writers friends, characters in public domain. "Oh the hack can't cut it himself? Can't think of your own characters then?" Nope, I just don't need to invent the wheel if I want to design a car. And also so I know to scrap the idea if my new idea for a carmodel that I have named Ford isn't really all that new of an idea. But the point was I came across Dave Sim's Cerebus. You must know it. It is Conan the barbarian but in it Conan is an aardvark. It's pretty good and get this: Dave Sim has said that once he dies, Cerebus is public domain. The character is usable to any story, no copyright infringement none what-so-ever. No 70 years waiting period after his death. While Cerebus isn't Spiderman or TMNT (My son loved the Turtles few years back, I think he stil does and through his eyes, so do I nowadays) it is still cult/underground hit. And while it ran for 300 issues 1977-2004 by Dave Sim for 6 000 pages there might be still a stories to tell with the aardvark. So was my bright idea to tell a Cerebus tale? Clone a Conan clone? No. My idea was about an artist who has stories to tell about Cerebus. You know the type. He has the drive, feels how this story these visions of his would be his way to comicbook superstardom. All he needs is to use Cerebus as character, he has the pages drawn, the storyarcs plotted written and even might have a publisher for it too. But Dave Sim is alive. So he needs a hitman. Someone to kill Dave Sim so the rights for Cerebus go to public domain. Yeah. I read a piece of info, an artists gesture to fans of his creations, and subsequently went straight into vicious crimestory terrain with it. At some point I got to do it. Write the story, not assasinate Dave Sim. Because that plan is going to hell.

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