Sweet Cthulhu on a tricycle...what did I say in the previous message? A whole new story? in one month? Just another fine mess I got myself into.... see us writers get asked "where do you get your ideas?". Not very often though. Usually everyone assumes falsely that everything just springs out of the artist's quill/pencil and writers are somewhat glorified letterers, with way worse handwriting. But to the question. Harlan Ellison famously answered that his ideas came from a post office box in Schenenactady, if you send in two dollars and a selfaddressed stamped envelope they send an idea back to you. Well, that's great you say. It would be if did not live in Finland where the national post office is the last refuge of utter and total bureaucratic ineptitude. I made them sound bad when they actually are quite efficient: letters and packages they can't destroy beyond rescue they lose. Therefore, back to square one. (in all honesty, the Finnish post might have send me more than a few of mr.Ellison's ideas by mistake) Now I need to think. That is some dangerous business.

Ok, off to library.
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